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Hearing by Whales and Dolphins Whitlow Au Springer ~ Hearing and sound production are thought to serve crucial functions in the behavior natural history or life cycle of all of these animals Although difficulties in studying large aquatic animals have limited experimental auditory research on many species knowledge about the acoustic behavior of these animals has been increasing dramatically
Hearing by Whales and Dolphins Springer Handbook of ~ Hearing by Whales and Dolphins Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 12 Kindle edition by Whitlow Au Richard R Fay Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading Hearing by Whales and Dolphins Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 12
Springer Handbook of Auditory Research ~ Volume 12 Hearing by Whales and Dolphins Edited by Whitlow Au Arthur N Popper and Richard R Fay Springer ScienceBusiness Media LLC 233 Spring Street New York found elsewhere in chapters from the Springer Handbook of Auditory Research series Several chapters in Volume 15
Psychoacoustic Studies of Dolphin and Whale Hearing ~ Part of the Springer Handbook of Auditory Research book series SHAR volume 12 Abstract Although one can guess what the perceptions of a cetacean might be it is impossible to “get inside a dolphins head” and experience what it must be like to hear sounds over 100kHz and discern fine details of the environment conspecifics and prey via echolocation
Acoustics and Social Behavior of Wild Dolphins Springer ~ Part of the Springer Handbook of Auditory Research book series SHAR volume 12 Abstract Understanding and documenting the characteristics and features of the social sounds and associated behavior of freeranging delphinids has historically been limited by lack of access to animals and poor underwater viewing conditions
Hearing by Whales and Dolphins SpringerLink ~ Hearing and sound production are thought to serve crucial functions in the behavior natural history or life cycle of all of these animals Although difficulties in studying large aquatic animals have limited experimental auditory research on many species knowledge about the acoustic behavior of these animals has been increasing dramatically
Hearing in Whales and Dolphins An Overview SpringerLink ~ Whales and dolphins belong to the mammalian order Cetacea They are found in all the oceans and seas of the world from the equator to the polar seas Hearing in Whales and Dolphins An Overview In Au Fay Popper eds Hearing by Whales and Dolphins Springer Handbook of Auditory Research vol 12 Springer New York NY
Springer Handbook of Auditory Research ~ The Springer Handbook of Auditory Research presents a series of synthetic reviews of fundamental topics dealing with auditory systems Each volume is independent and authoritative taken as a set this series is the definitive resource in the field
Hearing by Whales and Dolphins NHBS Academic ~ In Hearing by Whales and Dolphins experts in different areas of the field provide an overview of the bioacoustics of whales and dolphins as well as a thorough introduction to the subject for investigators of hearing in other animals Topics covered include the structure and function of cetacean auditory systems the unique sound production
Hearing by Whales and Dolphins Arthur N Popper Richard ~ Although difficulties in studying large aquatic animals have limited experimental auditory research on many species knowledge about the acoustic behavior of these animals has been increasing dramatically Hearing in Whales and Dolphins An Overview 1 Hearing by Whales and Dolphins Volume 12 of Springer Handbook of Auditory Research
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