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Springer Handbook of Optical Networks Biswanath ~ “This handbook is the most authoritative compendium of optical networking fundamentals and provides both beginner and seasoned practitioners an instant guide to the latest technologies and best practices across applications ranging from core and access networks to datacenter and high performance computing networks” Vijay Vusirikala Head of Network Architecture and Optical Engineering
Books on Wavelength Division Multiplexing WDM and ~ A list of recommended books on Wavelength Division Multiplexing and optical networking and communications Books on Wavelength Division Multiplexing WDM and Optical Networking 1 Regis J Bates Optical Switching and Networking Handbook McGrawHill February 2001 302 pages
Optical Switching and Networking Journal Elsevier ~ Optical Switching and Networking OSN is an archival journal aiming to provide complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in the optical and highspeed optoelectronic networking areas The editorial board is committed to providing detailed constructive feedback to submitted papers as well as a fast turnaround time Optical Switching and Networking considers high
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